Philosophical journals on the web
This list is compiled and maintained by John MacFarlane. Please let me know if you find a bad link or know of an online philosophy journal not listed below. Note that many of the links below are restricted to the UC campuses or UCB.
To search for philosophical articles or books, use the Philosopher’s Index (1968-) or philpapers. For recent journal articles, try Ingenta Connect.
The Expanded Academic ASAP database allows searching of the full text of millions of articles, not just titles and abstracts.
To see the tables of contents of current issues of journals, see this site maintained by the Taiwanese Philosophical Association.
- (2011-)(-)(-)(2009-)(-)(-)(2010-)(-)(-)
- Abstracta (2008-)
- African Philosophy (2000-)
- Analysis (1933-, 10 year moving wall)(1998-)
- Anuario Filosófico (1968-1995)
- Archive for Mathematical Logic (1995-)
- Argumentation (1995-)
- Asian Philosophy (2000-)
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy (1923-1990)(2001-)
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1997-)
- Biology and Philosophy (1996-)
- Brain and Mind (2000-)
- British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2000-)
- British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1950-1998)(1950-1995)(1998-)
- British Journal of Aesthetics (CDL database) (1960-1990)(1999-)
- Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (1995-, 1 year moving wall)(2003-)
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy (1971-1995)
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy, supplementary volume (1975-1990)
- Cogency. Journal of Reasoning and Argumentation (-)
- Complexity (1997-)
- Continental Philosophy Review (1997-)
- Criminal Justice Ethics (1982-1995)
- Critical Review (1986-1990)
- Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neuro Sciences (2009-)
- Diogenes (1999-)
- Economics and Philosophy (1985-)
- Erkenntnis (1930-1995)(1997-)
- Essays in Philosophy (2003-)
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (1998-)
- Ethics (1938-2001)(2001-)
- Ethics and Information Technology (1999-)
- European Journal of Philosophy (1997-)
- European Journal of Social Theory (1999-)
- Foundations of Chemistry (1999-)
- Foundations of Physics (2000-)
- Foundations of Physics Letters (2000-)
- Foundations of Science (1997-)
- Health Care Analysis (1999-)
- History and Philosophy of Logic (1999-)
- History and Theory (1997-)
- History of European Ideas (1995-)
- Human Studies (1997-)
- Hume Studies (1975-)
- Husserl Studies (1994-)
- Hypatia (1999-)
- Inquiry (1998-)
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion (1997-)
- International Journal for the Semiotics of Law = Revue Internationale de Semiotique Juridique (1999-)
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies (1999-)
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (2000-)
- Isegoría (1990-1995)
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science (1970-0)
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science = Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie (1997-)
- Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (1941-1999)
- Journal of Applied Philosophy (1998-)
- Journal of Business Ethics (1997-)
- Journal of Chinese philosophy (2000-)
- Journal of Ethics (1997-)
- Journal of Indian philosophy (1997-)
- Journal of Logic Programming (1999-)
- Journal of Logic and Analysis (2009-)
- Journal of Logic, Language, and Information (1994-)
- Journal of Philosophical Logic (1997-)
- Journal of Philosophy (1921-, 6 year moving wall)
- Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods (1904-1920)
- Journal of Political Ideologies (2000-)
- Journal of Political Philosophy (1997-)
- Journal of Semantics (2001-)
- Journal of Social Philosophy (1999-)
- Journal of Speculative Philosophy (1999-)
- Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936-1998)(2003-)
- Journal of Value Inquiry (1967-1990)(1995-)
- Journal of the History of Ideas (1996-)
- Journal of the History of Philosophy (1963-1995)(2001-)
- Law and Philosophy (1997-)
- Legal Theory (1999-)
- Linguistic Inquiry (2000-)
- Linguistics and Philosophy (1997-)
- Logos & Episteme: An International Journal of Epistemology
- Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura (-)
- Man and World (1997-)
- Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (1998-)
- Metaphilosophy (1998-)
- Midwest Studies in Philosophy (1999-)
- Mind (1876-, 8 year moving wall)(1996-)
- Mind and Language (1997-)
- Minds and Machines (1995-)
- Natural Language Semantics (1997-)
- New Ideas in Psychology (1995-)
- Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic (1996-)
- Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (1960-)
- Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2001-)
- Nous (1967-, 6 year moving wall)(1997-)
- PSA (Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association) (1970-1994)(2002-)
- Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (1997-)
- Perspectives on Science: Historical, Philosophical, Social (1998-)
- Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2002-)
- Philosopher’s Imprint (2000-)
- Philosophical Books (1997-)
- Philosophical Investigations (1997-)
- Philosophical Issues (1991-1998)(2003-)
- Philosophical Perspectives (=Nous supplements) (1987-1995)(2003-)
- Philosophical Psychology (1999-)
- Philosophical Quarterly (1950-1997)(1997-)
- Philosophical Review (1892-, 4 year moving wall)(2000-)
- Philosophical Studies (1950-)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934-1990)
- Philosophy Compass (2005-)
- Philosophy East and West (1951-1995)(2000-)
- Philosophy Today (1957-1995)
- Philosophy and Literature (1976-1990)(1995-)
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (1940-, 6 year moving wall)(2001-)(2001-)(2003-)
- Philosophy and Public Affairs (1971-1997)(2001-2003)(2004-)
- Philosophy and Rhetoric (1999-)
- Philosophy and Social Criticism (1999-)
- Philosophy of Science (1934-1997)(2002-)
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1971-1995)
- Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology (1996-)
- Philosophy: the Journal of the British Institute of Philosophical Studies (1998-)
- Phronesis (1955-1995)(1995-)
- Poetics (1995-)
- Poetics Today (1999-)
- Political Theory (1973-1999)
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics (2002-)
- Postmodern Culture (1990-)
- Praxis. Revista de Psicología (-)
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (1998-)
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, supplementary volumes (1998-)
- Ratio (1997-)
- Res Publica (1999-)
- Research in Phenomenology (1971-1990)
- Review of Metaphysics (1947-1991)
- Review of Modern Logic (1998-)
- Rinascimento (1950-1990)
- Science and Education (1997-)
- Semantics and Pragmatics
- Social Epistemology (1999-)
- Social Philosophy and Policy (2002-)
- Sociological Theory (1983-1997)(2000-)
- Stance: An International Undergraduate Philosophy Journal (2008-)
- Studia Logica (1997-)
- Studies in East European Thought (1997-)
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A (1995-)
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (1995-)
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (1998-)
- Studies in Logic (2008-)
- Studies in Philosophy and Education (1997-)
- Summary Report … Doctorate Recipients from United States Universities / Commission on Human Resources, National Research Council (1997-)
- Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and
Social Sciences
- Synthese (1997-)
- The Reasoner (2007-)
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics (1998-)
- Theory and Decision (1970-1990)(1997-)
- Theory and Event (1997-)
- Theory, Culture and Society (1998-)
- Topoi (1997-)
- Utilitas (2004-)
- Vivarium (1963-1972)(1974-1990)